Last hours

At this time next day I will in the plane towards Rio. So I just want to take this moment to share with you what I experienced here and how grateful I feel.

Sometimes some people take things for granted like they were just some fun moments to live and it will be inside our memories, and in fact they will be. But I take all my moments, everything I live to try and learn something from the Lord, because as a loving Father, He is always willing to teach us.

I took this vacation to relax, to be able to chill and put my mind in order and I came with this prayer in my heart. Here I knew I would be able to find a peaceful place where I could be away from all the mess and pressure around me.

One of the things that made my heart so warm is the way my uncle and aunt are with each other. I mean I have met wonderful couples, like my pastors who connect and complete each other so well. But my uncle and aunt are like a couple of boyfriend and girlfriend. They are like newly married, you can see the way they look at each other and stare.

In a world where love is rarely found and people don’t believe in the happily ever after, it is so joyful to find that, people who are literally against the waves of modern society. Those things give me hope; hope in marriage, hope in human being.

Being here I’ve learnt that I can’t feel as a victim and let that stop me, I need to take control of my life and do and be whatever God has for me. If I keep looking behind, holding grudges I will never walk for the bright future Jesus has planned for me. That’s encouraging.

I’ve been able to make plans for this year and I will against all odds persevere in them and succeed, because in the end I wasn’t born to be a failure, but to fly.

God has used them to give me a shot of hope and for that I am so grateful. I am so grateful because Jesus puts wonderful people in my life and with them I can learn so much.

I wanna thank sincerely my uncle and aunt because they are so awesome! And I love them.

Driving can be a lesson

I’ve always been terrified by the idea of driving. I’ve always told people that a car is a weapon that can hurt a lot of people. And well for all my life I’ve been the clumsy, funny girl that is always letting things to fall and besides that I don’t have a good measure or direction feeling, so summing all that up, just the idea, really scared me, sometimes I got myself thinking, “maybe I should have money and pay someone to drive me.” In fact I believe I also feared to fail badly, so sometimes it is better not even to try.

So I am spending sometime with my uncle and aunt and they told me that they would teach me how to drive and that was a mix of feeling, some excitement, but also panic.

Yesterday my uncle took me to a park and said he would give me my first lesson, my heart was thumping so hard I thought everyone would hear it, and then we’ve changed places and there I was in control of the wheel….

The lesson was good, out of 10, my uncle gave me 4… If that is good or bad, I don’t know… But actually that wasn’t so terrifying. It was so much fun!!! It is something that I can learn.

What I’ve learnt was that sometimes we let our fear to stop us. We sometimes believe so little of us, when God wants us to be amazing. How many times we stop before starting. How many times when we think we are going to fail, in the end we achieve?

I believe God wants to do something big through us, if we let it. I believe God wants us to stop fear what comes next and deeply trust in Him.

What does Jesus have next for you and me? What is His surprises? It can be a driven lesson, it can be your future husband or it can something that will last an eternity. I just can’t wait to see.

Find your precious pearl


” “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.” (Mt 13: 45-46)

Yesterday God gave me that piece of Word, but the way He made me see was different than what I have seen so far, or heard so far. Pearls are really difficult to find, that’s why they are so rare. But when one finds it, they need to take care of that, otherwise someone can come and steal it from you.

So every time you enter in the Kingdom of Heaven, you’ve found something of great value, but as it is called, it is a kingdom and as one, it has people there working for the King and for each other. The King has given us all a treasure and we are already safe inside the Kingdom we don’t need to be afraid.

So we need to use this pearl for the goodness of the Kingdom, to make it grown and be strong! What is the pearl God has given you already? The only one that only you have it? He wants you to use it for the greatness of His Kingdom. No need to be afraid anyone, because as the parable of the bags of gold. We need to make it even more!

God bless you all.

The Strength that comes from God


I was going to work on a presentation I have to finish for next week, but my mind is so tired I guess I rather just write something instead. Something from my heart.

It has been two years I have worked non stop, maybe you have been in the same situation. Let me tell you something, my week is not just busy, it is crazy, it is exhausting; my mind and body doesn’t stop working from 5 a.m. until almost midnight, Monday to Saturday. Maybe you have been through the same situation.

Sometimes I feel as all my strength is gone and that I won’t be able to succeed. Sometimes I feel as falling and I just wanted to be on the bed under the covers. And maybe you feel the same way.

So, every morning when I wake up, I remember myself why I am still up, why I have been doing all I am doing, and I ask you to do the same.

A long time ago, Jesus was looking at your pregnant mother and He was dreaming and planning the future He wanted for that baby. He knew that baby was special in his own way, that baby wouldn’t be special because he would be rich or poor, intelligent or just a bit odd, he would be special because he would be His. He would be His special creation and there isn’t anything He does that it isn’t special.

And then Jesus realized that when that baby grew up, he would feel weak and small, he would be in the verge of giving up. Sometimes he would just want to stop everything, but then Jesus would whisper in his ears: “Hey, I am here with you, it doesn’t matter if you pass through water or fire, I am with you. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for I will be with you wherever you go.”

So I know God is there for me and you can be sure God is there for you, so I know in the future when we look back, I will see this time made me stronger.

We are worthy – Jesus is whispering that.

“The thing is there is never a time when you will be more honest, and your convictions will be stronger, and your motives will be more pure than they are right now. Which means you should chase whatever excites you. Be confident, and take risks, and paint over my words so you can start writing your own. My story may have inspired you, but I’m certain your story will inspire the next girl to live in our room. I want you to know you don’t need somebody to write about you in order for your life to mean something. You can write about yourself… make your own destiny. Then years from now the next girl will keep what you write on that door long enough to remind you how inspired your life is. And you can tell that girl to paint over the door because you realize the words you wrote, the friends you had, the urgency you felt will always be there under the paint. The love you professed will always be there, the spark of something undeniable, a seed of hope, the truth for better or for worse burning fiercely just below the surface. Love Peyton”
I’ve just watched another episode from one of my favorite series of all times – One Tree Hill and that’s a letter Peyton writes to a teenager who is living in her old house and by the place it is written Peyton, it could have been written God.

When we are teenagers or children, we are so full of hope and expectations, who am I going to be, what am I going to do, what does the future hold for me? All questions that teenagers have brilliant answers to.

But somewhere along the way, the frustration starts knocking in our beautiful world and many times we start not believing that the future will hold something good for us. We start asking different question: why am I not good enough? Why does nothing good happen to me? And for those questions, we have no answer.

In that path, someday we start living others people’s lives, we are not excited with our own lives anymore, but for what happens with the ones we care about because we’ve started telling ourselves we are not worthy for anything good and then that becomes the truth. And it is a sad day.

So sometimes parents begin living their children’s lives, and other have their inspiration by books or movies and that becomes the only way they find some excitement, because in their own lives, it is better not live it.

So when we think our lives are done, we can’t do anything else, Jesus finds us in an empty well and He looks upon us and with deep love and compassion, He decides to help that hungry soul.

And He starts showing that we are valuable and that we are worthy and it doesn’t matter how long we’ve been living our lives this way or how our lives are, He can do everything new, He can rewrite our history and He shows us that we can own it, that we can be better and still inspire many and be important in this world.

Just Jesus has this power, to heal our deepest bruises and to take all the pain away, to take all the anger and to make us believe again, believe again in ourselves.