Find your precious pearl


” “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.” (Mt 13: 45-46)

Yesterday God gave me that piece of Word, but the way He made me see was different than what I have seen so far, or heard so far. Pearls are really difficult to find, that’s why they are so rare. But when one finds it, they need to take care of that, otherwise someone can come and steal it from you.

So every time you enter in the Kingdom of Heaven, you’ve found something of great value, but as it is called, it is a kingdom and as one, it has people there working for the King and for each other. The King has given us all a treasure and we are already safe inside the Kingdom we don’t need to be afraid.

So we need to use this pearl for the goodness of the Kingdom, to make it grown and be strong! What is the pearl God has given you already? The only one that only you have it? He wants you to use it for the greatness of His Kingdom. No need to be afraid anyone, because as the parable of the bags of gold. We need to make it even more!

God bless you all.